[[redacted] Meant to send my parents a screenshot of an upcoming movie I thought they'd enjoy. (Mickey 17 in case you're wondering) Accidentally sent a pic of UB i threw out that I thought was contamination with a clump of mycelium... Before I could recall/delete she responded within seconds... **Mom**: "Don't eat that-I'll make fresh rice for you." Fortunately she doesn't know about UB Tek, but she's upset I'm not using the fancy Korean rice cooker she bought me.]
[https://youtu.be/uqOOOR7Kr-s?si=bnJ_6CNic2msXKGH They portrayed Zelensky as “disrespectful” and used this as an excuse to wash their hands of the matter and give up on Ukraine.]
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[Interestingly enough, they keep raising the age limit to collect the full amount because apparently people are "living longer" but the crazy part is that almost half the people I grew up with didn't even make it to 50 years old. Now add that into all the people who expire due to natural disasters, the opioid epidemic and other diseases and let the math sink in.]
[its been a few thousand years. They’ve had plenty of time with no intervention to get it figured out. I think we should leave them alone forever or invade and make it ours, but that’s because I think it’s a waste of time and money trying to make it better.]
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[He and his wife used a list provided by the church that was an approved movie listing for their children until age 18. When they would stay with us, we’d have PG and PG-13 movies that our daughter would watch in middle school/HS and they made us feel like shit when they would ask us to stop a movie our daughter was watching in front of them. A month ago, their college aged daughter complained to her therapist when she saw a large dildo and lube ordered on her parents Amazon account. She didn’t know how to deal with it.]
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[So the story goes that 20 years ago because the then government issued "regional development grants" to deprived areas. Often those areas were in places with strong regional accents which can be initially hard to follow if you're not used to them. The RDGs were ended a long time ago and the jobs moved overseas once they were no longer subsidised. Go figure.]
[Me: Finally, the 40 Series will get cheaper so I can get an RTX 3060 for a good deal]
[“Hey, I know, we can design it with a delta wing, no fuel, no thrusters, minimal control surfaces; and when it re-enters, everything has to go 1000% to plan (from re-entry point, to drag, to speed, to rate of descent, etc.) until it just gracefully glides to a stop 300 miles away on the runway.”]
[It's 2025 almost guys time to stop adding lame laugh tracks. I don't need to be told when to laugh no thank you]
[I'm planning a 12 hour no food no water fast on Saturday from 8am to 8pm (100ml water if the throat gets too parched). I seek justice for our Atul. Let his wife suffer so much she becomes an example and other toxic feminists would think twice before harming men! `Saturday=Saturn's day=god of justice.` **Methodology** Before beginning pray to Shani Dev or your favourite deity. You're fasting to give justice to Atul, and to give his abuser the appropriate punishment. When you are ending the fast thank your deity and ask them to consider. People can also fast for 24 hours with water. As a man of science I know prayers and all mostly don't work but why not try? You know guys, a decade later when our children will ask us why we didn't do anything and let a man die like that we can say we tried... Also, we never send it right back to the feminists! They have been tugging the tiger's whiskers for far too long. About time they hear the deafening roar!! So who is with me on this one?! [Support us on Reddit, upvote and share!](https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/s/xf7NClotBw)]
[https://youtu.be/zkE0BhI_jmg?si=SghOa39ryo8z_gTd Ripped the thing off word by word from Dwyghts musollini speech from the office XD Time sure flies...]
[When I bought my two SSDs, they had about a data retention of 4 to 6 months, or 10,000 read rights, and server SSDs were at 100,000 read rights, and they still sold this 💩💩]
[Difficult as this may be to digest, there is absolutely nothing here on planet Earth that would be of any interest to any species with sufficient technology to travel long distances through space, especially when one considers our remote location at the end of a distant spiral arm orbiting a smaller-than-average star in an unremarkable galaxy.]
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[so to understand this "factual" event: only one (1) camera angle and it just "happened" to be behind smith/rock and slightly to the left. that is the basic core of a stunt. "depth perception" so with the 9-10 other camerapersons recording "nobody" else publishes a video of it; anywhere? not even "1" other angle published? (stunts are filmed in this manner/ fashion). "stunts" can not be filmed/published in "two" (more) angles or the public "see's" how the stunt was completed/done. as a man twice chris r. size (smith) is bearing down on him; he (rock) keeps his hands firmly locked behind his back and is smirking like "i hope this stunt goes the way it was planned" (it is live/can not reduce the stunt). sure i but the "real" of this scam PR "story". with media all on ukraine (as it should be) and hollywood ticket sales in a "dive" down over 60% in two (2) years…..now ask yourself the (near) perfect time: keep telling yourself how "real" this is/was. black on "black"/feud-smith "defending" his wife; and since it was two (2) B/M we should have this never-ending (claimed) "conversation" about "it's" meaning. spin of "spin". emotions, drama ect-sounds nice in a harlequin (romance) book. script and "set". impressed "america" to those that bought this bs.]
[[redacted] Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me twice folks you can't get fooled again.]
[[redacted] No Indian Company culture is good enough to deserve any recognition!]
[You guys should see Bryan Lunduke's video on the topic, he makes a very good point that the Internet archive could have staged the hack. There is no reason the hack should be going on this long, because all they have to do is to change the tokens they used to get in and after all this time they still haven't, and they have very good reason to frame something like this. Internet Archive has been getting a massive amount of lawsuits they simply can't win, so by pulling a staged hack like this it makes them look like they're struggling so they're less likely to be sued. A lot of things about this hack aren't adding up, I'm shocked more people aren't covering this part of the story]
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[I don't get much time to read anymore, and never found anything I liked reading in the first place. Sometimes I'll listen to an audiobook in my car, but is it a replacement for reading?]
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[im new to this app someone connect]
[The validation of fiction through the mindless label of being "based on" actual events is a popular and persistent delusion. Historical drama is saturated with interpretation by writers, directors, cinematographers and performers, and the phrase "based on" typically does a lot of heavy lifting. No aspect of the production is ignored for the purpose of conveying meaning, and what you are consuming is a multitude of artistic interpretation. Of course there's nothing at all wrong with telling a story, but telling a story whilst pretending your story has the imprimatur of documentary is dishonest.]
[I was a receptionist and we had a code to get into the doors. An older gentleman shows up and tries to get in and I tell him I'm sorry sir I cannot just left you in. He was really nice about it and didn't argue. Another employee noticed him and said oh I'm so sorry go ahead sir. He was the president of the company, he looked at me and said I'm glad you don't let just anybody in this place]
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[Having trouble setting up Glance on my Android Lock Screen. Need help Any tips or step-by-step guides?]
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[Today I again woke up with thoughts of that little girl from the park again. She was only 7 years old, and yet she has this innocent beauty that just consumes me. Her bright blue eyes, her curly brown hair... it all plays in my mind like a never ending tik tok or some shit. I know I should be ashamed, but I can't help how I feel. I've tried to fight these urges for years, even attended therapy sessions and joined support groups, but nothing seems to work. Every time I think I'm making progress, some new little face pops up, and my heart starts racing all over again. I wish I could be normal, that I could just look at children as kids and not as objects of desire. But the truth is, I don't know who I am anymore, or what I want from life beyond these fleeting moments of pleasure. As I sit here I wonder if anyone can ever truly change the way the brain is wired. Maybe someone will see this posted on here one day and Ill probably be long dead by then. For now, all I can do is continue trying, one day at a time. Maybe someday. Good reddit clone btw]
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[is there a best phone lock screen thats good for android? i want to change up my lock screen but dont know which app to use. i heard about Glance Lock Screen but not sure if its any good. anyone tried it or have other suggestions? im looking for something cool and easy to use.]
[https://youtu.be/tJi0QwGlTTk?si=3AxCS-KUWfbVElUA [empty]]