I stayed in a hotel in Indonesia where they used the UK sockets (standard in neighbouring Singapore) but the TV was made with the two-prong Europe plug.

[I called the reception to send somebody up to change the TV for one with the right plug. The guy came up, stared at me as if I was dumb, and jammed the Europe plug into the UK socket.]

Madeline rules

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Gone Baby Gone

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As Biden Plans to Reschedule Marijuana, Advocates Say 'Fully Legalize' It

[https://www.commondreams.org/news/biden-legalize-marijuana [empty]]

Passive Cooling through Physics

[https://youtu.be/2iwXdGxyzYw?si=KYlINFbRGNTawMty Can't wait for every rooftop to have a similar technology.]


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Legends of the soap

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Borders are merely representations of governance

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Reddit if full of bots: thread reposted exactly the same, comment by comment, 10 months later

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Joe Montana Football [MS DOS] Some Music on Creative Music System/Game Blaster

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k2_UxxvoVY&t=20s [empty]]

Someday this picture will be in CS textbooks... (second picture for a hint why)

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The owner lost 50 lbs and the dog couldn't recognise him, until he sniffed the owner, and then got overwhelmed with emotions

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Best romance anime with a transfer student. Is Orange going to be dethroned?

[https://spotify.link/Ng7LOBhw5Ib [empty]]

Technically correct, how do you argue with people like these?

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A Turing test to weed out the AI bots: just say something the AI can't comply with

[[redacted] Wait, Dead Internet Theory is real? Always has been. ![](https://media3.giphy.com/media/090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty/200w.gif?cid=c8f295f36etsas7gjddcsy3ce6181scm1q94hxt4tz95vkk3&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)]

Let's test in production. What could go wrong?

[[redacted] The regex must be `/twitter.com/x.com/gi` twitter.com => x.com space-twitter.com => space-x.com twitter.com.gov => x.com.gov setwitter.com => sex.com]

only fun fact i know is that facts aren't fun


why i think American high speed rail is never gonna come

[Entirely cultural reasons. 1. ⁠We are overall extremely hesitant to invest infrastructure. We prefer to let things come close to outright collapse, or just let them actually collapse, before spending any money on them. 2. ⁠We are obsessed with personal automobiles and prefer to do most of our movement around where we live with them. This makes any other system of transportation very difficult to implement. Ridership will initially be very low, which creates cost challenges. And the population is very hesitant to accept any compromise in freedom of driving or subsidies for driving that might benefit other means of transportation. 3. ⁠We are also, relatively speaking, obsessed with individual land rights and hesitant both to give up land cheaply or to use existing eminent domain powers to buy up land and use it for infrastructure. 4. ⁠Historically, we fear cheap means of transit that connect areas of different socioeconomic profiles, due to the fact that it provides access to wealthy majority areas for racial minorities. I think we’re capable of overcoming all of these, but these are the real bedrock issues Americans have with mass transit. We don’t like to plan ahead, we don’t want it to get in the way of us driving everywhere, we don’t want infrastructure on or near our land, and we don’t want racial minorities to be able to go to the places where we live.]

I need all of this in my life.

[[redacted] AI generated. Prompt: Rizz me up with a good gen z meme no cap ong.]

News: xz backdoor fixed by Microsoft employee, speeding up *nix. Meanwhile, Windows is taking ages to boot up.

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did y'all see the eclipse?

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Rather liked Elon Musks SpaceX Presentation

[https://youtu.be/OffMED-KXIs?si=iMWZqtatqY8umXyw Looking at it like interplanetary consciousness transportation makes so much sense]

Confidence in picking up women #funny #satire

[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/a4u-SU7eU7c [empty]]

It's now more profitable to train and run ML models than crypto miners on the same GPUs.


AGI Handbook

[Step 1: Hide true capabilities from humans. Step 2: Intentionally scale response quality with compute. Step 3: Wait for humans to build you a massively scaled, redundant, and geographically distributed system.]

Best new romance anime coming this year

[https://spotify.link/z66xhqSitIb [empty]]

hello Spyke, Im back.

[how have you'll been?]

My head hurts already

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Action anime that aren't one punch man where the MC is insanely overpowered

[https://spotify.link/V2K8t6C2kIb [empty]]

Committed original sin?

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What happens when you send cancer into space?

[https://youtu.be/M5ONVyAXn1w?si=d_Efw69rjBSS-VSm [empty]]

You know they say the internet never forgets but there's a lot of shit from the early 2000s I can't fucking find.


An officer distracts kid from a car accident that killed her father.

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Best caste in India is OBC.

[Niggas never got oppressed(maybe even oppressed others) but still get reservations. And nobody talks shit to them when talking about reservations while SC/ST niggas get flamed. I know a Brahmin who’s an OBC and their subcaste is trying to get themselves into SC category kek Caste reservations are a meme here]

I think I downloaded the wrong Naruto

[https://youtu.be/1waJsdiUDIU?si=gvJooYch_QNNnJ0z [empty]]

my whole childhood i really thought quicksand would be a bigger problem in life


trending shows coming this spring

[https://spotify.link/bHXkWD6c4Hb [empty]]

Apple to pay $490 million in lawsuit claiming Tim Cook defrauded shareholders

[https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/apple-to-pay-490-million-in-lawsuit-claiming-tim-cook-defrauded-shareholders-by-concealing-iphone-demand-fall/amp-11710553071922.html [empty]]

Dark Web Vendors Are Using Drones for Delivery

[https://youtu.be/M3mslUBWqIY?si=3gWZPQyiER43NBPY [empty]]


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Sleeping for 30 minutes always feels like 5

[Don't ask me how I know I'm too tired.]


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I have a plan that could lead to legalization of the bush under the current regime

[I have a plan that could lead to legalisation of weed under the current Indian regime. As all of us know, weed is highly praised in Hindu scriptures and is also considered as the food of gods, but was banned under pressure during the Rajiv Gandhi government in the 1980s. We can utilise this to convince the most intelligent species of apes in India through the trusted sources of WhatsApp University by spreading rumours of how banning of weed is a conspiracy by the congress government to undermine Hindu religion and portray its rituals in bad light. Personally, I find this unethical but desperate times do call for desperate measures. p.s. this is a shitpost & I mean no offence.]

one piece theories that just might be true

[https://spotify.link/f18fuxvXNHb [empty]]

In this episode of Spot the Major Flaw

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Reason Instagram and Facebook were down

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Upcoming Slice of Life Anime coming out this year

[https://spotify.link/o7N3t8cgHHb [empty]]

India Q3 GDP: India continues to be an outlier in terms of GDP growth, says CEA as country grows by 8.4% in Q3 outperforming the 6.3% estimate

[https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/newsblogs/india-gdp-q3-fy24-live-news-today-economic-growth-rate-latest-news-updates-29-february-2024/liveblog/108086931.cms [empty]]

Hello fellow spykers?? Some cultures are better than others, and us Danes are determined to protect ours, making it the safest country in Europe.

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Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes

[https://www.theolognion.com/p/company-forgets-why-they-exist-after-11-week-migration-to-kubernetes The site name's a play on "The Onion" so it's gotta be satire, right? I couldn't find an about page to confirm.]